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February 9, 2010
My new book is about roads – roads as a powerful force that change the world, including the people on them. I traveled six transformative roads, in six countries, with […]
February 8, 2010
In past years I’ve had the pleasure of participating in The Moth, a live storytelling series based here in New York. Last year podcasts from The Moth became a big […]
January 10, 2010
Newjack: Teaching in a Failing Middle School
In this article, Peter Sipe compares his first year as a middle school teacher in Brooklyn, New York, to that of a rookie corrections officer at Sing Sing prison.
January 10, 2010
Call it the Sing Sing Book Club. Newjack, Ted Conover’s tale of like as a rookie prison guard, was required reading for a group of prisoners planning to escape Sing Sing.