September 13, 2011
In 1994 I published an article in the New York Times Magazine called “The Hand-Off.” It was about the search of a young mother with AIDS, Evelyn Mirach, for someone to become guardian of her daughter, Carmen (nicknamed Christy), age 11, once Evelyn died. (This was before the advent of anti-retroviral drugs to treat the disease.)
Last month the magazine did an update on Carmen, as well as on eight other people who were the subjects of iconic photos from the magazine’s past. Scott Thode, the photographer I worked with on the project, took a current photo of Carmen Mirach, now 28, in her Brooklyn apartment. An accompanying narrative, in Carmen’s words, brings readers up to date on her life. (See the slideshow and read about her here.)
I never expected Carmen to grow up pretty. She has had so much to contend with in life. But in Scott’s photo–again set at home, this one evidently comfortable, peaceful-looking– I think you’ll agree, she’s beautiful.